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Vending Machines We Want In Our Lives


Posted on ANDPOP:

Depending how you look at it, vending machines are either really amazing or the bane of your exist. They’re amazing because they pretty much hold the answer to your hunger/junk food craving dilemmas, but they’re the worst when you don’t have any change in your pockets to purchase those oh so sweet delights.

It would be much easier to remember to carry some cash on me if these vending machines sold the following in our hoods (they exist but not near me):

1. Cupcakes


2. Nail Polish

3. Pizza

I would’ve spent so much money on this if it sold pizza pockets outside of my first year dorm room.

4. Magazines

5. School essentials

6. Flats

This would make a killing at clubs and bars.

7. alcohol vending machine

Because the nearest liquor store is too far away. Bonus points if it’s right beside a candy machine.

8. Ikea spare parts

9. French Fries

Bonus if it serves poutine. May not be the best, but it’ll do for as a post-drinking meal.

10. Umbrellas

Because we all lose our umbrellas during all the wrong time.

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